Friday, March 18, 2011


 We survived our US tour and are back in the Great White North, thanks to everybody who helped set up shows, played with us or came and hung out.  Every show ruled, if you have videos or pictures please hit up our email listed on the right side of this blog.  Talk of a couple new upcoming releases has been floating around and details will be posted when they are more finalized.  We're playing a homecoming show of sorts on saturday at the Ratshack with a bunch of killer Vancouver bands at which we will have some shirts and tapes for sale.  Dates for summertime Canadian tour with fellow Victorians Iskra and No Eulogy will be put up at some point relatively soon.  Listen to Goner.


  1. Sup guys! Good to hear you guys made it back in one piece, even after all the shit that went down in L.A. haha.. BUT, Troy was telling me the basement show was way sick! Sucks I couldn't make it, bummer. Hopefully you guys come down again or we'll go to YOU and bring friends along for the ride. Do you guys have any stuff to trade with Warwhore?


  2. yO!!!!!! iTs FiVeL (FiVeL) FRoM BxC,MEGATRoN,RuNaMuCk,SuFFeRinG LuNa HeRe :)

    I ReMeMBeR GiVinG uR BRiAN mY CaP CaS HaT :D

    I'LL HoPe tO See yA wHeN I cOMe uP wiTh WHATSHAME tHiS JuLY, GoNNa LeaRN tHeRe SeT tO TouR wiTh tHem.

    FiND mE oN FACEBOOK uNDeR "Fivel B PeReZ"

    MuCh LoVe & ReSPeCT,
